God of War (2018)

Everyone loves a father and son story. This time, Kratos kicks butt with his son.

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Gamerdium 96%
MetaCritic 94%
Polygon 100%
God of War (2018) Review by gamesradar 10.0

God of War (2018) Review by gamesradar

There’s a moment in God of War when you realise you can go anywhere. Clear of the opening set up, the game steps back, presents you with a map of the world and says, ‘you know what?

God of War (2018) Review by Gamespot 9.0

The Power of Myth - God of War Review

The God of War series has, until now, stuck very close to the standards set in the original 2005 game. More than a decade (and many games) later, it makes sense that Sony would want to mix things up for the aged hack-and-slash series. Like so many popular franchises that have reinvented themselves in recent years, the new God of War dips into the well of open-world RPG tropes.

God of War Review by IGN 10.0

God of War Review by IGN

Some of the best films of all time are those whose different strengths all work in concert to create a unified, engrossing whole. The Shining, The Social Network, and Jaws are all excellent examples of films made up of strong individual parts complementing each other to form a fantastic work of art. That is absolutely true of God of War.