Our Return Policy

Our Return Policy

Returns on New Items

30 Day Return on all unopened and in original condition brand new items. If refund conditions are met, a full refund can be requested, or an extra in-store credit can be requested.

Returns on Pre-owned Items

15 Day return in original condition with all parts and accessories. If refund conditions are met, a full refund can be requested, or an extra in-store credit can be requested.

Returns on Defective or Damaged Items

Your return can be replaced with a similar product, or a full refund, or extra in-store credit can be requested if refund conditions are met.

Refunds on Repairs/Cleanings

If an item was recently repaired or cleaned, for 3rd party items, refunds will not be accepted. Please note any repairs done on any item not from our store will void warranty from its original manufacturer.